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Electronics: OPAMP tests into a 270 ohm load

A friend was modifying a cheap headphone amp, and was wondering which OPAMP would work the best.
So I created a similar circuit and measured several different OPAMPS loaded with 270 ohms as a 'typical' headphone load.
Note: Don't only look at the headline THD figure - also note the harmonic distortion even for some that measured well.
Measurement parameters:
PSU: 15 - 0 - 15
Gain: 2.2
Output: 2.7V RMS
Load: 270 ohms
Opamp THD Notes
LM4562NA 0.00027% no data
NE5532N 0.00160% Philips
NE5532N 0.00141% Signetics
NE5532N 0.00090% Texas
NJM2043DD 0.00101% JRC / NJM
NJM2068DD 0.00090% JRC/NJM
NJM4558DD 0.00604% JRC / NJM
NJM4565DD 0.00502% JRC / NJM
NJM4580DD 0.00082% NJM / JRC
OPA2134P 0.02294% BB
OPA2604AU 0.00132% Sample #1 - brand unknown
OPA2604AU 0.00139% Sample #2 - brand unknown

OPAMP tests 270 ohms - LM4562NA
OPAMP tests 270 ohms - NE5532N
OPAMP tests 270 ohms - NE5532N_PHILLIPS
OPAMP tests 270 ohms - NE5532N_SIGNETICS
OPAMP tests 270 ohms - NE5532P_TEXAS
OPAMP tests 270 ohms - NJM2043DD
OPAMP tests 270 ohms - NJM2068DD
OPAMP tests 270 ohms - NJM4558DD
OPAMP tests 270 ohms - NJM4565DD
OPAMP tests 270 ohms - NJM4580DD
OPAMP tests 270 ohms - OPA2134P
OPAMP tests 270 ohms - OPA2604AU
OPAMP tests 270 ohms - OPA2604AU_SAMPLE2

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